Wiiii, a week since my last update. I got sick pretty bad and I stayed in beddie, self-medicating myself with tea and chocolate. I even went to the uni and my classmates told me to go home and get well because I looked like a zombie. That's usually how I look, but they said I looked even worse.
Yesterday was also Labor Day. My first Labor Day that I wasn't home, or with some friends for that matter. I celebrated it with my brother, indoors, with Chinese food, chocolate and Coke [well Pepsi for him]. Yaaay, the two black sheeps of the family haha. Well I think he's single now, we're actually a bit embarrassed to ask him if he's single now or not. Yes, it was the two of us and a whole lot of super bad movies.
And I kind of promised myself that I will start working on one of my Deutsch projects, but irresponsible people are prone to making bad calls.

Maybe I will have a struck of boredom today and start it ...yeah right x_x